Collaborative Innovation Days – 1st Workshop on Infrastructure Cloud – Construction and Maintenance.

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Date(s) - 28/03/2017
Whole day

DIAMANT Conference & Business Centre


The Collaboratiove Innovation Days are a series of events aimed at assessing major advances in key areas of Freight Transport and Logistics and Transport Infrastructure.

The objective of these events is to consolidate progress and draft future visions and plans, as well as to facilitate collaboration and cross-fertilization among the projects.

Results of the thematic workshops will be presented in final conferences addressing a wider attendance and are aimed at enhancing awareness of the progress made in the sectors and at fostering further exploitation and implementation of research results.

Transport Infrastructure

1st Workshop on Infrastructure Cloud – Construction and Maintenance | 28/03/2017

Presentation of the AM4INFRA project – speaker: Ruud Smit, RWS, Coordinator